Thank you so much for your interest in the AIM Annual Event (AAE) 2021!
We were looking forward to meeting in person at the AIM Annual Event as there’s an excitement in gathering with many other healthcare professionals who know Jesus too! Canceling the AAE was difficult, however, we soon realized the blessing of focusing instead on seeing life from God’s eternal perspective.
What are we here for? What is the meaning of my existence on earth, at this very time in history? What am I aiming for in life given my God given talent, treasures and time? This website and medical ministry is for this purpose — to encourage, equip and empower us as Christian healthcare professionals to live wholeheartedly for Christ!
We pray that you will be inspired by these videos and consider how God is encouraging you to grow further! These videos and opportunities are free and so please share them with your colleagues, family and friends! We hope to keep uploading videos in the months to come.
While AIM is a medical ministry, we welcome those not in the healthcare profession to join us, as we need one another in Christ! Also, you’re welcome to provide feedback and connect with us. We’d love to hear from you!
Mona Suzuki, M.D.
AIM President