Matthew 25:40, “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
Wow, I looked at the picture and it seemed as if my eyes went straight through those looking back at me. My heart melted… Did you ever experience that feeling when viewing the precious photos from the mission field? The photos of the children, the mothers, the fathers, the elderly, they seem to jump off the page or screen right into your soul. Yes, it can be quite moving. That’s how it is with Our Father. He has such a love for people, for you, for me, for them. Yes, just plain unconditional love.
When you experience that type of emotion it’s like loving through the very heart of God.
What do you do with that feeling when you are so far away, yet feel such compassion? What do you do when you don’t know really what to do about a world so big and a world so needy?
First of all, don’t ignore or dismiss that feeling. There usually is a mix of sadness and warmth all at once. It can be a real tug at the heart most likely initiated by our creator. He so lovingly gave us our emotions and capabilities to be empathetic and compassionate. He may also be getting our attention to take action. Action? Yes, action!!
Secondly, go further than your feelings. Search what is stirring in your heart and listen. Often times that still sweet voice is giving you instruction. Your creative side may be awakening to an idea. Or simply your mind has been ignited to join what is already in place to assist. Assist? Yes, assist!!
Thirdly, do a little research. Look up something related to or connected to what you came in contact with: a people, a country, a group, an organization, a cause. Take a step further to gain a little more knowledge and detail. Add substance to those initial feelings you had. Take advantage of information and accumulate what you can acquire. Acquire? Yes, acquire!!
Sounds like a lot to do on a feeling, but in today’s world information is at our fingertips. How many times a day do we utilize a search engine? Our thoughts are countless. Putting a moment or two on a thought for another person is being selfless and kind. It’s like loving through His heart!!
Here are three words to encourage us to make a difference on something that moves us:
- Action – something we can do no matter how great or small
- Assist – something we can do to join in and actually participate or support
- Acquire – something we can do to educate or validate a need or cause
“Dear friends, if God so loved us, then we also ought to love one another.” 1 John 4:11
Let’s move on those feelings that will help someone else. Let’s bring to the surface what will really count. Let’s see others as our Heavenly Father sees them. Where others are concerned, let’s begin loving through His heart!