Whether you are going out onto the mission field or staying back on the home front, prayer is essential. Jesus showed us through example just how important prayer is by His own lifestyle of prayer. He was in continual contact with the Father. He would steal away far from the crowd to pray. He would rise early in the morning to pray. When facing situations, He would take time out to pray. Prayer was important to Jesus. So it should be important to us. The Apostle Paul in his letters to the different churches would pray for the people and also request them to pray for him, his work and his ministry.
When we are involved in, know of or are associated with work and service for others, there is a need for a covering of prayer. There are so many areas and aspects that are involved that we need heavenly assistance. In prayer we make requests for things we ourselves cannot do. We ask for guidance, direction and protection. We ask for what is needed whether it is for ourselves or for those we know, love and support. “Much prayer, much power!!” Something so simple that can be done at any time, anywhere, for any amount of time holds such value, assistance and strength. The same holds true for those we don’t know, but are aware of their situations. The bottom line is, prayers are needed by everyone.
Whether you have the wonderful opportunity to go on missions or you are back on the home front supporting, know that prayer is essential. To help with the important focus of prayer, I have compiled from my own prayer time, from other’s requests and those I’ve come across in readings a day-to-day prayer focus. Below you will find a link to a printable PDF for your use. This is one of four One-Month Prayer Calendars that will be made available for you or your group to use giving you a prayer focus for each day of any given month.
Click here for Prayer Calendar #2
Prayer Calendar Month 3 and Month 4 will be made available in upcoming postings!
Please feel free to use these calendars put together for your personal use as well as to share with those who have a heart and mind to pray for the work involved in missions.
In Hebrews 7:25, it states that Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us, so let us likewise make intercession for others.